Welcome to ICEC
We're so glad you're here

ICEC is a non-profit pediatric clinic that provides a variety of group and individual services to greater Orange County families including; occupational therapy, physical therapy, infant development, and speech therapy. Over the last forty years we have treated not only a large number of local children, but their families as well. We are excited to help your family flourish!


At ICEC we pride ourselves in having a team that gives you the best of both worlds; warm and compassionate care rooted in knowledge and expertise. Our staff takes the time to get to know you and your child in order to apply evidence-based practice that will help your child reach clinical and personal goals.


We offer a variety of services to facilitate your child's growth. Individual therapy provides focused attention on specific skills and one-on-one parent training. Group therapy, for qualifying RCOC families, provides an opportunity to engage with peers and generalize skills, as well as parent discussions that cover every topic you might have questions about. Our therapists carefully consider individual and group placements based on each child's needs.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower children with known or suspected developmental delays and their families through comprehensive, individualized, and evidence-based early intervention services. We strive to enhance the quality of life for each child and help them reach their full potential.

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Get to know your ICEC therapist

Our team of therapists have a wealth of experience, as well as expertise across many areas. Each therapist provides the warmth needed to keep your child engaged while also applying evidence-based treatment methods that will push their skills to new heights. Our therapy team collaborates between disciplines to ensure your child's success across all areas. Click below to learn more about this team of incredible individuals.

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ICEC is powered by our amazing supporters

No one accomplishes anything alone, and at ICEC we are extremely grateful to our volunteers and donors who help us reach our goals. Our supporter's valuable time and effort help use achieve so much, while donations and grants allow use to create new programs for our clients. Interested in getting involved? Click below to find out how you can support our mission.

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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.
Do you provide evaluations?

Yes, we do provide insurance funded, regional center funded and privately funded developmental assessments.

I hear you have parent support groups and counseling services for families, is this true?

Yes, our group therapy programs offer weekly parent discussions lead by our marriage and family therapist. We also have opportunities for individual counseling for parents and caregivers.

What age children does your clinic serve?

We provide therapy services to children from birth to age five.

I am worried my child is not meeting their developmental milestones, what should I do?

We're here to help! If you think your child could benefit from therapy services you can speak to your pediatrician or call our office to request an evaluation. If your child is under three years of age, we recommend that you contact Regional Center of Orange County to begin the evaluation process.

Can I get more information about your pre-school program?

Our “Teaching Our Preschooler’s” (TOP’s) class is currently offered Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9-12. Our program provides supports for all of our students to help them adapt to the classroom setting. Please contact our office for more information.

Do you take my insurance?

We are in-network providers for: Anthem blue Cross PPO, Aetna PPO, Kaiser Permanente. Please call our office for more information.

My child was just diagnosed with Autism. What kind of services do you offer?

ICEC offers a variety of therapy services and group programs for Autistic children. Please contact our office for more information on services and availability.

How do I get referred to ICEC?

If your child is under the age of three, you can contact the Regional Center of Orange County. If your child is over the age of three, contact your pediatrician for an evaluation referral. We also offer private pay evaluations.

We're happy to help

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat to our friendly team.

Here is what just a handful of the wonderful things our families have said about us.

ICEC integrates so much into one place. The culture is amazing it really seems like everyone genuinely WANTS to be here- the staff and families. We love that they really try to put the children first and give so much valuable input. The extra “stuff” too (parents night out, Beyond Therapy, the holiday parties and the in-services show that you all care. We LOVE LOVE LOVE being here!
EIP Family
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ICEC is great because they have great therapists with lots of insight and resources. It’s a great place to connect with others in similar situations. The personal connection is important.
EIP Family
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I knew from the moment I walked in that I was going to love this program.
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Friendly staff, very welcoming, special community events (Christmas, etc), group therapies, able to take pictures, parent group, seems like a family, everyone loves my kiddo, having feeding therapy, connections (personal) with therapists giving cell phones/emails for outside therapy hour, great leadership from Pam, having childcare, allowing my kid to meet other kids with special needs, having the ICEC Instagram, fun weekly themes, opportunity to meet other families/parents with special needs, flexibility with RCOC hours.
EIP Family
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The staff are so loving and knowledgeable. They took care of me as a mom as well. You took care of my mental health so I can be the best mommy I can be for my baby. You care about the entire family. A strong, loving home and marriage is critical. Thank-you for giving me that. No other place is like ICEC. I also loved that I was able to connect with other moms. We’ve become close and supporting one another.
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ICEC is special to us because they treat our son like a human with needs beyond therapy. They listen and are mindful of his cues. They truly know him, are patient with him and genuinely want to see him succeed. I love that all therapist communicate and brainstorm ways to help him continue to grow and move forward.
Aiden's Parents
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I love that everyone makes us so at home..I love that Paisely gets to be around other kids like her and being around parents that are going through the same things. I love having the parent group to hear and talk about what everyone goes through.
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