ICEC is a non-profit organization that pours everything we have into providing the best possible therapy for our clients. We are able to continue our growth through the generosity of those who donate their time, energy and resources. We are so grateful to every individual and organization who has helped us continue our mission.
With a remarkable $36,000 donation from the Decorative Arts Society, our clinic now boasts new storage, ensuring enhanced organization and easy accessibility. We are grateful for their support in enabling us to create a more efficient and effective environment for the benefit of those we treat.
All donations, no matter the amount, help us on our mission to provide the highest quality services to lcoal families. Our ability to purchase assistive technology, play equipment, and cleaning supplies is all made possible by our amazing donors.
Many of our programs and services are made possible through our donors. We accept monetary donations as well as toys, cleaning supplies and volunteer time. You can find toys and clothing available for our families in our clinic any time. We also utilize the generosity of our volunteers and donors to put on community events such as our holiday and spring block parties.
Looking to help us make a change? Click below to get involved.